Meet the Latest Cancer Patient who was Cured with the Help of Cannabis Oil

Research published by scientists at the University of East Anglia found the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis - Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC - has been shown to help combat the growth of cancerous cells.

Image credit:Flickr/DonGoofy
Fifty four year old Trevor Smith was told by doctors that without immediate surgery to remove his prostate, urinary bladder, and lymph nodes, he would have no more than two years of life left.

Despite doctors warning of delayed treatment, Trevor, husband and father of three, needed time to evaluate his life options. After doing some online research, he decided to begin eating healthier, consuming Essiac tea, and ingesting cannabis oil similar to the kind found in Rick Simpsons “Run From The Cure” . Having never ingested any recreational drugs before, Trevor and his family became shocked at the powerful sedative effects it displayed. Mrs. Smith was cited as saying:

“Neither of us had ever used any recreational drugs, so we weren’t aware of the effects it had. At first, it made him very sleepy and non-responsive – both conversationally and physically. He would sleep for up to 12 hours at night. It was one of the hardest things we have ever gone through.”

In fear of his life, Mr. Smith was unconcerned with the legal perimeters of using the drug. He wanted to do what was best for him and his family regardless of the consequences. Mr. Smith claims:

“I never really gave it a second thought; I was in a race against time, so I had to roll the dice.”

The University of East Anglia recently published a study that proves that cannabis can slow tumor growth. After taking a chance on any possible benefits cannabis oil could provide, Trevor Smith and his family became shocked at the results. Ten weeks after doctors advised that he should undergo immediate surgery, they discovered that the cancer had not spread to any other organs! This meant that the tumors could be removed using a far less invasive laser surgery. Trevor Smith has been cancer free for a year!

“When doctors told me I had gone into remission, I was lost for words, I almost couldn’t believe it. I feel indebted to the oil and its medical properties, there are alternatives to chemotherapy but people just need to open their eyes to it”

Watch the following video for more information on how cannabis fights cancer:

by Jonathan Schoenfeld
The Anti Media
Meet the Latest Cancer Patient who was Cured with the Help of Cannabis Oil Reviewed by Rid on 2:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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