5 Steps To Living As An Awakening Soul
People all over the world are experiencing what many call an “awakening.” Where suddenly the world seems different, feels different and what we are doing starts to no longer make much sense. If you are reading this, you are likely one of those people.
You may or may not still be in the honeymoon phase. If you’re not sure, symptoms range widely, including, but not limited to: a general disinterest in most everything you were interested in before; a lack of desire to engage in unnecessary busy-ness and activity; a heightened sense of awareness that includes the recognition of the “insanity” of the the world; an acute kinship with Nature; exuding an aura of being in love, with no one in particular, but with the same yearning to simply BE LOVE!
Becoming Aware of Self/Awakening
Self-realization, essentially, is when you become conscious of being conscious, or moving out of separation consciousness into unity consciousness. Usually it is preceded by a “dark night of the soul,” or some type of hardship that acts as a catalyst. As awakening is the falling away of personal limitation so that consciousness can expand, restrictive beliefs and social constructs are the first things to go. A common concern for the self-realized individual is how to live abundantly within the desire for full immersion into the Oneness with God experience. You may be asking how your needs will get taken care of.
Creation is designed to thrive—and that includes you. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean it will look like your current situation and expectations. What you perceive as needs and what’s best for you are from a limited point of view, crafted mainly from your personal experience within your local culture and conditioning.
5 Steps To Living As An Awakening Soul
- Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help – Enlightened or not, those souls who will be your support system can be right in front of you; sometimes the ones you least expect. You may need help challenges you are going through or even more intense experiences like help with shelter, food and more.
- Give Help When Called Upon –You ask for help knowing that one day you will offer it, the circle of life personified. It is only in separation consciousness that asking for help is seen as a sign of weakness—in actuality it is a sign of strength. Helping others is part of the core of our nature.
- Uncover Your Inner Genius/Life’s Purpose – If you haven’t yet, begin discovery work on your unique energetic signature known as your life’s purpose by exploring what you are passionate about and enjoy doing. Your life’s purpose isn’t about money, but it is inextricably linked to working cooperatively with the Universe so that you may thrive and be abundant. A balance between finances and your passion will need to be found, but don’t give up your love for something. For more on this, you may enjoy Discover Your Inner Genius: Discovering Your Life’s Purpose.
- Seek Out and/or Create Cooperative Community – Now that you wish to reside fully in Mind/Body/Spirit, you may feel led to seek out and/or create a local interdependent community. Ashrams, shambalas, cooperative communities, etc. have existed around the globe for thousands of years.
- In the Service of Others, Offer Yourself as a Gift – You may work (now we call it play) within these communities part or full-time, or some communities may offer you respite as you fully integrate into Unity Consciousness. When in the presence of these conscious souls, your needs will be provided for without discrimination, guilt or shame.
Humanity was born out of this spectacular, living organism called Earth. As we inhabited our home planet initially in a state of harmony, abundance flowed freely, provided one learned to align with the cyclical rhythms of Nature. As humans grew in technological sophistication, and because of our dualistic nature, we went on to develop unnatural societal structures separating us from Nature, disallowing self-sustainability, as we became a dependent, power-over hierarchy that has made it difficult for humans to thrive.
You may be someone who has experienced a loss of “security” in your life while on your spiritual journey—your home, your status in the community, career and maybe even the ability to hold down a regular job. Friends may have judged you harshly, blaming you for your problems. “Why is this happening to me?” You may have thought.
Dependence is not interdependence, which is the natural order of a cooperative Universe. If you expected that the Universe would continue to support the unnatural, manmade competitive chaos you were submerged in— it likely won’t because what man has created is not self-sustainable.
However, the Universe/You is always supporting you. Meaning you may or may not be “homeless” if your ability to pay the bills falls away (not a bad thing), but you will be fed and sheltered in due course. The fearful part of us that has been conditioned against what is natural will be subjected to those still living in the old paradigm who will find fault and judgment with you no longer participating in the insanity of a dependent society until you embrace your co-creative part in the Universal play/dance as if you’d chosen it.
Interdependence means we nurture and support each other, harmonizing with the ebb and flow of all aspects of life. There will be periods of your life when you will be in the physical service of others, and other times when your activity will become still, in a state of BEing, the vibrational resonance of Love. (BEing and Doing are two sides of the same coin—a concept third dimensional consciousness, or separation consciousness is unable to comprehend.
Though, it may feel like you will never desire to do much of anything again, the feeling does pass and eventually you begin to move. What you do is not as important as the intention behind it. Are you fully present, with a giving heart? In reality, being in service of others (which is really being in service of Self) has no “levels” of distinction, nor hierarchy.
To be ready and willing to let go of unnatural societal dependence on your way to becoming a sovereign being in union with all of creation is an act of great courage. Most don’t willingly (consciously) do so, but are led down this path as part of their spiritual journey by their super-conscious—no two experiences are exactly alike.
When every one of your fears finally falls away, then you will truly be free. Until then, it can be a quite a roller coaster ride. Breathe. Absorb the twists and turns, highs and lows, by relaxing into your body, rather than resisting. Follow the energy wherever it takes you. Just when you can’t take it anymore, open your heart even wider, as if you have no choice. For, the truth is, the choice was already made.
5 Steps To Living As An Awakening Soul
Reviewed by Rid
8:00:00 AM

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