11 Ways to Save Mother Earth
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
The greatest aspirations of humankind have always been to save the world, and also save ourselves. As fallible human beings, it’s too easy getting into a mindset in which we think making a difference is impossible – but it’s not. It’s too easy to get discouraged about things going on in the world and to complain that things are going downhill.
The truth is, People are going green and saving Mother Earth through many daily preservation practices. However, there are still many people that think it is costly and time consuming, or more of a “tree-hugger” activity. This problem is that we have a tendency to try and take on either too much or too little.
However, there are little things that you can do on a daily basis to make yourself feel better while also making the world a better place.
Here are 11 Ways You Can Start Saving Mother Earth Right Now:
Say Hello to a stranger.
Being so busy and stretched for time, we are all wrapped up in our own little worlds. Once in a while, you are on the receiving end of a friendly person’s warm greeting, and it feels magnificent. Reciprocate that feeling and give someone a warm “Hello!” or “Good morning!” You could just be making someone’s day!
Donate something.
Most of us have stuff laying around the house we no longer use. Look in your closets, on your desk, or in your drawers. Do you have any old clothing or stuff that doesn’t fit? Take it to a Goodwill or Salvation Army. Most places are happy to take your discarded items, and there is probably someone in need that can find good use for it.
Recycling in today’s world is becoming a pretty easy thing to do. In the US, it’s not hard to locate a trash service that offers glass, plastic, and/or aluminum recycling deposit station. However, there are a large number of people who still continue to discard glass and aluminum items into the normal garbage can.
In reality, it only takes a few seconds to rinse cans and bottles before dropping them into the recycle bin and allowing that precious material to be re-used in an eco-friendly way.
Newspapers, notebooks, mail and most other paper products are another series of items that place a serious burden our landfills. The majority of people, although they may not realize it, toss out hundreds of trees per year along with the daily trash. Search for community groups in your area and you might find a group of earth-friendly folks may even run paper drives. To participate, gather your old newspapers, stack them, and contact the to pick them up at your location. There are also quite a few other uses for your paper products rather than tossing it out with “yesterday’s news”.
Did you know that you can clean your windows with old newspapers?
If you’re tired of seeing small white pieces of dust and streaks on your windows after using paper towels, try old newspapers instead – you’ll be more than happy to see the results of your re-use!
Visit Someone Who Needs Company.
Someone at a nursing home, retirement center, or a relative close by would love to see and hear from you. Visit an orphanage or a facility for the disabled, if you’d like. Unfortunately, there are people who feel alone or abandoned by others who could use the company of a friendly person such as you!
Find a cause that’s near and dear to your heart and spend some time there. There are wonderful sites like www.voluntermatch.org and www.serve.gov that will match you with great causes such as feeding the homeless, caring for pets, reading to children, helping disabled veterans, rebuilding our neighborhoods, and much more.
Pick up trash lying around.
“We owe it to ourselves and to the next generation to conserve the environment so that we can bequeath our children a sustainable world that benefits all.” – Wangari Maathai
This is our earth, our environment, and our responsibility. When you are strolling somewhere, and you see a piece of trash lying on the ground, what do you do? Do you take a few seconds to pick it up and dispose of it properly or just walk by? If you walk by, please pick it up.
We’ve been given this beautiful planet, and we alone are responsible for keeping it beautiful.
Grow a garden.
Not only will this give you something fun to do, you will be doing your part for our environment. Think of walking outside and seeing a beautiful array of flowers or plants, knowing that you are responsible for their beauty as it can be. Pretty cool.
Leave the auto out of your mobile
One more thing that could help you to start going green is walking a bit more. Have you ever taken a drive right up the street just to pick up bread? Try walking or jogging next time, you’ll be surprised at the places you wouldn’t normally see driving; as well as the people you may meet! Most importantly, you’ll be saving the Earth by saving oil rather than burning it.
To save even more on gas, cut your lawn mowing in half. If you do it weekly, do it bi-weekly and so on. A luxe looking lawn is great to have but skipping an additional week before you mow again shouldn’t have an effect on the health or appearance of it. You can even use a manual push mower; your local hardware store probably still carries this type of lawnmower – you can even find them online here.
Set a Positive Example.
“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” – President Barack Obama
There’s something to be said about a person who sets the example for others. Whether it’s at work, home, school or out and about, there are people who are consistently well mannered and set a positive example in their attitude, speech, work ethic, and in other areas as well. This is not to say that you need to be perfect… but conducting yourself with dignity and class is something that can have a very powerful impact on others.
Commit to self-improvement.
This is easier said than done, but it’s possible. Nobody changes overnight, and you shouldn’t expect to either, but great thing is that by doing any of the above nine steps, you are already committing yourself to the noble goal of self-improvement. The real challenge lies in doing the little things on a consistent basis and by taking advantage of all opportunities to change the world – one little step at a time.
Say “I Love You” More Often
These three small words create one VERY big statement. When you say I love you to someone, or in the mirror to yourself each morning (highly recommended practice), you are sharing the greatest power in the world. Love stops wars and starts lives, and according to some, love is all you need!
What small things can you add to the list that could help save the Earth? We’d love to discuss in the comments!
Source: PowerOfPositivity
11 Ways to Save Mother Earth
Reviewed by Rid
11:20:00 AM

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