The Mystery Is Solved: Here’s Why We Get Fat When We Quit Smoking
For years it wasn’t known what is the reason for that, but now the mystery is solved – eating too much ice cream and chocolates!
A lot of the smokers want to quit this vice, but it’s not that simple.
One of the reasons why this step is not taken is the fear from getting fat.
Around 80% of those who quit smoking gained about 7 kilograms. And that is rather disturbing.
The flora in the intestines changes
Swiss scientists say that the reason for that are definitely not the calories, but the flora change in the intestines. Smokers, non-smokers and those who quit smoking took place in the research.
They made the research in a hospital in Zurich where after nine months examining samples from the constipation they concluded that at smokers and non-smoker there is no change, but at those who used to smoke in the intestine flora there are dramatic changes.
They found bacteria that prevail in the intestines at fat people. This bacterium belongs to the families that are professionally called bacteroides and proteobacteria.
People that quit smoking start to gain weight even though they don’t consume food more than before, revealed Gerard Roger.
Bacteria that grown fat
Certain bacteria in the intestine flora are capable for processing the energy of the food placing it in fatty layers from what people get fat.
The American scientists from Los Angeles discovered that the composition of the intestine’s flora generally influences on who is fat or not. The researches make analyses can the bacteria that makes us fat be removed from the intestines.
The Mystery Is Solved: Here’s Why We Get Fat When We Quit Smoking
Reviewed by Rid
9:30:00 AM

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