Natural Recipe To Lose 7 Kilos Of Weight Without Diet
- Take a cup of boiling water.
- Add a teaspoon of ground cumin. Stir well.
- Add 2 pieces of lemon rind and ¼ tsp cinnamon.
- Finally, add half a teaspoon of ginger.
Drink this liquid every morning after breakfast. If you do not like the taste, you can eat a teaspoon of honey right after you drink it.
This is the recipe for people who want to quickly get rid of extra pounds without much effort!
Guaranteed results - lose 7 kilos in 30 days!
Additions made by Chriss Allen - Healthy Aeon
References: healthyfoodhelp
Natural Recipe To Lose 7 Kilos Of Weight Without Diet
Reviewed by Unknown
5:00:00 AM

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