How To Transmute Chemtrails With Our Intentions
Although there are scalar/orgone energy devices which help to transmute chemtrails, there is nothing more powerful than our own beautiful minds.
As I have noticed, there is not a lot of information about this topic on the internet I thought I should spread the word, and such an excellent forum from which to inform those who care about our lovely Planet and all life thereupon it than Just Wondering! Thank you Zen!
Back in San Diego, California in 2004 I was introduced to transmuting chemtrails with the mind by my friend Robert Platteter as we were exiting Radio Shack. We had just purchased components to build a frequency generator to power up a scalar-powered mobius coil-wrapped crystal device and as we made our way to the car we noticed the “usual spew” in the sky. It was morning and “they” were just getting started so Robert asked me if I wanted to learn a new mental skill. He always had cool stuff to share so I was eager to learn, and he told me that we were both going to just stare at the back of the ‘aircraft’ which was coming over the distant horizon with a trail behind it and intend (intentions are everything!) that the trail would be transmuted into harmless substances.
During this process we could think or say out loud such phrases as “transmute”, “blue skies”, “don’t stick”, or other intentions to that effect. The most important part of the process is to stare ONLY at the back of the aircraft and follow it with our eyes as it crossed the sky. One should not look back at the trail to see if you have been successful (egocentric) or you have broken the etheric link (more on etheric blueprints later). Just focus on the back of the aircraft and follow it all the way to the opposite horizon, or until it has gone out of sight…then it is OK to look back.
This was my first experience with this technique and I obviously did it correctly, because when the aircraft had passed over the horizon, I looked back and the trail was gone! However, the part that was gone started at the point in the sky where we had started the mental exercise. There was the trail that had already materialized into the physical world from the etheric template laid ahead of time up until we had started focusing on the back of the aircraft, and it had just vanished at that point. We totally disconnected the trail beginning at our mutual point of focus. There was no trail from that point on. I was hooked!!!
Robert then told me that the remaining trail which was still there before we started our concentration exercise could then be dealt with by intentions but it is not as easy since the etheric blueprint had already manifested into our 3D physical reality. However, by calling in the Sylphons they are always happy to help. When they appear and start gobbling up the chemspew, send them unconditional love with thanks for joining in the battle.
You may have seen chemtrails which are broken, or suddenly stop and there could be several reasons for that; the sprayers temporarily malfunctioned, the sprayers were turned off for adjustment and then on again, or someone on the ground (like me) is transmuting them with their temporal interferometers.
Imagine what other events, activities and illusions are happening all around us…coming into 3D physical reality from an etheric blueprint from which we are allowing them to manifest when we could simply be transmuting them into harmless events, not accepting them into 3D reality.
The etheric realm impresses upon the physical realm, i.e. in order for a leaf to grow there first has to be an etheric signature and then the physical realm fills it in (like a blueprint) and that may be what is going on with chemtrail activity. There is some kind of a consciousness going on that is trying to manifest in the trail itself. It is coming from the etheric realm trying to tap into the physical realm, and by YOU focusing your intentions on chemtrails YOU disrupt that etheric activity to physically manifest. Since this is demonstrable and repeatable by anyone with the same results then most, if not all chemtrailing activities are manifesting from an etheric template. A example is the black beam phenomenon of which many have photographed in conjunction with chemtrail activity. The black beam is noticed first and then the chemtrail fills it in. Not to be confused with shadows of higher up chemtrails on lower clouds.
Something that you will experience when you start using this transmuting method is that the perpetrators of this crime against humanity will figure out what’s going on and start sending more sprayers to attempt to overwhelm your efforts. This is why it is best to not only ask for the Sylphons’ assistance but also teach some friends and/or family members this technique and assign each person a different part of the sky. In the Philippines there is not a lot of chemtrail activity, but when the sprayers do come sometimes I am able to handle them myself but sometimes get the family to help out. Eventually the sprayers just stopped coming to our area, so either they gave up or their agenda changed. We are just happy to live in an area of the world where there are no chemtrails and the clouds are always natural, fluffy and white. If you are by yourself though, unable to recruit anyone to help you out with the transmuting technique, there is another solution called “Creating And Etheric Volume” which I will talk about in my next article.
How To Transmute Chemtrails With Our Intentions
Reviewed by Rid
7:30:00 AM

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