You Are NOT A Matrix Program — The Real You Is Everything
The real you is NOT a Matrix program! The real you is anti social and anti numeric. Regain the immense power of that state by deprogramming yourself of all information.
In today’s world the social dynamics of the global population has taken a mighty S-curve from only twenty years ago.
We have social applications available that allow us to increase our social behavior tenfold prior to android technology.
Applications such as Facebook represent the perfect getaway from reality and the ego is projected there, to another encoded reality, together with an alter-ego.
From here, our perspectives commune with others in the tech-dimension to fulfill egotistic needs and desires that we feel like are missing from the primary reality.
It is much easier to create an illusory matrix yourself with technology, than altering the matrix that is controlling your primary reality, so most people just say: “What the heck, let’s enjoy what we have control over!”
Many are compulsively attached to this reality as for many it is much more lucrative than the cage (they’ve assembled) of their primary reality.
Everyone seems to be using Facebook to show off the best of their personal illusions as if it is some sort of competition.
Likes, comments and friends determines egotistic gratification. Others, totally negate their primary realities and create a totally different alter reality to escape to.
Save the World Program
What is a program? A program in the consciousness is exactly the same as a program that you install onto your computer. A computer program contains data that is transferred via information technology to your device, and alters the functioning of the device according to the program.
Human beings also do download programs throughout their lives in order to do jobs, fit into social circles and mostly to fulfill egotistic needs to strengthen the egotistic mistaken identity.
There is a massive case of the SAVE THE WORLD PROGRAM among humanity that is debilitating the very cause of the name of the program downloaded.
When people catch a glimpse of perceived truth and cannot seem to find anyone that believes them, the first thing they do is project it all onto the internet where they can find an outlet. Through this act they find satisfaction, as a sense of purpose accompanies sharing what is deemed to be helping.
They tend to this regularly all the while downloading more data consciously that installs the “save the world program” into their psyche completely. Any identity made out of any cause is debilitating to yourself and expands on your matrix.
Living with various programs can be like playing with fire, as they all contend with each other for power from you, and their power is ultimately used by the creator of this matrix, not for you.
You might ask what’s the big deal about downloading programs?
The deal is very big, as we are at a tipping point of transforming our whole reality and the only way this can occur is to format our consciousness so that we can unbind ourselves from the shackles of the creator of the Earth-matrix, which uses knowledge to mould and sculpt us.
It is then that we can create unrestricted of a program sourced from the matrix mainframe that makes us subject to relativity.
Any program that you live with on Earth is matrix sourced and matrix expanding; in other words, anything information-bound that you use for the benefit of your projected eidolon is only serving the Luciferian agenda, Illuminati, call it what you like.
Anyone that eats of the tree of knowledge on this plane loses their foundation and their earth element in the process.
The matrix exists because of a humanity that has not come to embody their true essence that is anti-social and anti-numeric. You cannot save the world externally, it is a waste of time! The only one to save is yourself, as the rest mirrors the fashion.
The Real You is Anti-Social
What are the things that an average human being likes to talk about? How quiet would you become if you removed all negative output?
Most humans speak about the most mundane things and, worst of all, tend to focus on the subject of resistance and separation all the time. This is, of course, the second nature for a sentient being that is trapped in a world of five senses where everything is only sensed as separate.
It is ironic that we have become accustomed to believe that in order to have a life worth living, we do indeed need a vibrant personality and a persona that fits the needs of everyone else’s personas around us, so that we can harmonize with each other without any friction.
This collective egotistic harmonization is exactly where the ego likes to be: in a comfortable arena where there is no threat to its empty existence.
Sentient beings also choose their friends based on the gratification they receive in the form of adoration of their false-selves. Anyone that threatens the legitimacy of this entity is deemed an enemy.
The apparent love two personas (that are ultimately unreal) can have for each other can also turn into immense hate in an instant, such as when a sworn kept secret is exposed to others, or when the infamous adultery is committed beyond the marital pair.
Being in love is an addiction and an attachment to a matrix-based construct! And, as such, it exists on the extremes of a pole where hate is an eye blink away.
Love as you know it is conditional and malevolent, as it is merely a heavy attachment in disguise to that which is not real. Why do you think the word love, in the western music industry that is well known for its negative output, is the most used word? Ask yourself!
[Read more about the unbelievable power words have in the matrix-reality, here.]
Operating with no persona, or say personality, might sound dead or robotic to the average human being, as we have become accustomed to believe that organic life comprises all that is colorful, enchanting, charming, enthusiastic, interesting etc..
What is the point of being alive on Earth with no persona? This is the questions that I need to deal with in order to break through programmed minds!
You are Everything — All is Self
When you come to realize that you are everything, there is no space for a persona any longer. We do not need masks to hide our true nature, which is the wonder of the whole. There is no struggle anymore to find out who you are and what you want to be.
Only the ego struggles for that illusion.
From zero-point, what I have called clearface before, the state of oneness in physicality, one is able to adequately access everything instantaneously in order to respond to the immediate environment impeccably.
In this dimension/reality we can only work with what consists of the matrix, and when one is not bound by it anymore — by a running program that forms a persona — one is unrestricted by the primary matrix.
In this “unrestriction” lies the power to use any part of the whole matrix to your advantage. In other words, you can access to the mainframe and, ultimately, more than the limited algorithm of the matrix.
This means that when you come across a soul that is ripe for a shift, your very presence automatically brings forward their egotistic hindrance, keeping them in malfunction, as energetic resonance and exchange plays out between the two.
From there, from beyond the mind, you may use words your intuition guides you to use (data) in such a way as to untangle the tight hold the others’ self-created matrix has on them, by highlighting the validity and legitimacy of the data they have used to construct themselves.
In deprogramming, you fight fire with fire, words with words. A great battle might ensue, but as long as you remain unattached in your foundation of knowing, all will be fine.
With the realization that you are everything, if you came across yourself earlier on the time-track (what you were a few years ago), what would you do?
You Are NOT A Matrix Program — The Real You Is Everything
Reviewed by Rid
8:00:00 AM

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