Texas Will Build a Cryogenic ‘Immortal Village’ That Will House 50,000 Frozen Human Bodies
The idea of cryonic preservation is not new. We have seen it in numerous sci-fi movies, but the question is – is it practically possible to freeze a human being and then bring them back to life after a certain amount of years?
A new project aims to do just that and we may soon see a huge cryonic preservation center in the small town of Comfort in Texas.
The so-called Timeship Building, which has already been dubbed the “Mecca of cryogenics“, will have the capacity to house 50,000 frozen human bodies. The facility, which was designed by architect Stephen Valentine, will also be disaster-proof and will be able to survive anything from a terror attack to sea level changes.
“DNA, tissue samples, and cryopreserved patients will be housed in Timeship, and their safety and security against all threats, both natural and human-made, will have to be maintained for hundreds of years,” the Timeship website writes.
The Timeship Building will be encircled by high walls and surrounded by an extensive area of land. Except for housing dormitories, it will contain research laboratories, libraries, and even an agriculture center. The facility is also said to have its own power supply.
Along with frozen human bodies, the cryogenic village will also host biological material, human organs, cells and tissue samples, as well as the DNA of nearly extinct species.
According to the Timeship website, the ambitious plans of the project are about taking people to the future, hence the name of the cryogenic village, which is said to be able to endure for centuries.
It all sounds very impressive, but at what stage is the cryogenics right now? At the moment, scientists are not able to freeze a human and subsequently bring them back to life. However, a recent achievement of researchers who managed to revive the brain of a cryonically frozen rabbit earlier this year gives hopes to further progress in this field.
“The researchers said the brain demonstrates that ‘near-perfect, long-term structural preservation of an intact brain is achievable,” Daily Mail reports.
While the purpose of cryonics is to freeze sick or dying people in order to have the chance to revive them in the future when the technologies will be advanced enough to save their lives, it’s obvious that some people will want to take advantage of this science in order to live forever. No need to say that it will only be affordable for the wealthiest individuals.
What do you think about the whole concept? Would you let freeze yourself for a couple of centuries to wake up in the future?
Source: themindunleashed.org
Texas Will Build a Cryogenic ‘Immortal Village’ That Will House 50,000 Frozen Human Bodies
Reviewed by Rid
12:27:00 PM

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