What To Do When Your Energy’s Been Zapped
Are You Feeling Too Tired and Zapped?
Have you ever just been going about your day, doing your thing, feeling great, and then suddenly you’re not feeling so great anymore? Perhaps after an interaction with someone you notice you’re feeling depleted? Low energy? Maybe even sick to your stomach? Or like you’re getting a headache?
Despite our best efforts to have good energetic and emotional boundaries, sometimes this happens. And it could result from a variety of circumstances–from a long customer service phone call, a solicitor at the front door, or talking to someone who is full of fear and worry, to name a few.
Discover Ways to Beat the Energy Drain
My favorite example of this happening, and what to do about it, comes from a couple of years ago. I had just finished moving into my new home, and a neighbor starts telling me all sorts of “scary” stuff about my house. She kept using the word “scary” as she talked about things like mold and rats. Her body language, word choice, facial expressions, tone of voice–everything about her–was so full of fear and concern. There was a tightness and a tenseness in her that I was starting to feel in myself as I stood there beside her.
So, I did my best to create a good energetic and emotional boundary while we talked. I amped up my inner light and expanded my own protective “happy bubble.” I listened to what she had to say, and even responded positively, with a sense of calm and perspective, no worries, no fear.
Reaction and Response Are Two Different Aspects
But as soon as I walked away? I felt sick and tired. And pretty freaked out. Had I just bought a moldy, rat-infested house?!
The first thing I did in response to noticing this delayed reaction? I went into my bathroom, looked in the mirror, stuck out my tongue, let out a “bleh!”, and started shaking my body for a few seconds like a traumatized animal. Then I sat down and took a deep breath.
Next? I called my real estate agent, who is also a good friend and knowledgeable about all things related to not only home-purchasing but home ownership and maintenance. And he helped me see what I already knew: don’t worry about it–there’s always a solution–and….my fear-based neighbor had just zapped me.
Don’t get me wrong; my neighbor is sweet, and her intentions were good. Plus, it’s important to have the information and some of the warnings she provided. My concern was how it affected me energetically and emotionally.
A Few Steps to Prevent Energy Drain
Although I could shake it off quickly, it was intense while it lasted. And part of the intensity for me was the surprise of it. I was surprised to be feeling so affected. But I was. I’m human. And if you’re a sensitive one like me, then perhaps you can relate. Sometimes, despite our best efforts to prevent them, energy drains happen; energy zappers get us.
What to do when that happens? When all else fails to prevent energy drains, try one or any combination of the following:
1) Shake. Literally, shake.it.off. Jump around, move around, whatever it takes. Moving your body will also help break up stagnation and bring in fresh, pure, vital life-force energy to revitalize and restore you.
2) Go outside. Get some fresh air. Let the fresh air cleanse your energy field. Standing in the earth with bare feet is also a wonderful thing to do. With or without shoes on, you can feel or imagine releasing any negativity into the earth through the soles of your feet. You can also feel or imagine fresh, pure, healing energy coming in through your feet, nourishing you and revitalizing you.
A Few More Possibilities to Try
3) Drink some water. Allow the water to hydrate, refresh, and purify you. It’s possible that you were dehydrated in the first place, making you more prone to being energy zapped!
4) Voice it. Calling my friend, speaking about what had just happened, helped lighten up the heaviness and shine light on the darkness. It’s a way of getting it out of your system, brushing it off, releasing it. If you don’t have someone to talk to, or prefer to keep it to yourself, write it out. Using your voice in speech or in writing is a great way to let go of what you don’t want and welcome in what you do want; it’s a great way to get your power, your energy, back.
One More Thing about Energy Drain
5) Surrender to it; rest. Resisting takes even more energy, so admit to the depletion. First, give in to the reality of the energy drain so that you can then go beyond the reality of the energy drain, to the reality of that there is an infinite supply of energy; you can and deserve to reclaim yours.
Rebecca Clio Gould is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Qigong and Meditation Teacher, Sexual Awakening for Women Facilitator, and Author of “The Multi-Orgasmic Diet.” She’s on a mission to help women live healthier lives, step into their power, love themselves more, experience more joy, and live life to the fullest-emotionally, physically, and sexually. Rebecca is a graduate of the Heartwood Institute and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She has been running her own business, Elemental Harmony, PLLC since 2007 and lives in Seattle, Washington. See more at http://www.rebeccacliogould.com
What To Do When Your Energy’s Been Zapped
Reviewed by Rid
8:00:00 AM

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