The 7 Chakras (Energy Vortices) of Mother Earth
by Christina Sarich
Just as the physical body has seven (or more) identifiable energy centers, or swirling vortices of subtle energy, so does the planet have chakra centers that govern her health and act as a reflection of her energetic evolution. Dr. Hiroshimi Motoyama developed a way to measure the chakras of the human body – to give them a scientific basis, when they were considered purely metaphysical for centuries, though saints, sages, monks and yogis knew of their existence long before they were recognized by scientific instruments.
There are many cultures that conceive of an energetic system which runs the body, but the Yogic Chakra System is said to be 4000-5000 years old. Chakra translates loosely to mean ‘wheel’ from Sanskrit, but it more accurately describes a vortex of rotating energy. Some chakra systems contain twelve primary chakras, others fewer, but they refer to a map of the energy circulating through the body, primarily through the spinal column. Each chakra is situated near an endocrine gland that is responsible for regulating hormonal reactions in the body. The chakras also act as translators of energy. They assimilate energy from surrounding influences, including your own emotions and thoughts and the chakras of others. In the yogic conceptualization of the chakra system there are seven primary energy chakras.” (
Each chakra has its own bandwidth of energy, and it governs the perspective of each person at that vibration. The earth’s chakras are very similar. They are reflective of the root all the way to the crown. The Chinese/Japanese conceptualization of the chakras or meridians, is slightly different than the Indian conceptualization as is the Kabbalistic, but they weave into a very cohesive understanding of the energy body.
Such is also the case with the earth’s energetic vortices or chakras. “The Earth is a living being, with its own creative, evolutionary will, and with its own methods for enacting that purpose. If we look at nature, we discover that design and innovation – the architect and the inventor – are at work. What is the goal of this effort? Alone, among the planets in the solar system, Earth is the matrix for life. What are the maximum potentialities for life? It is the true will of the Earth to find the answers to this question, and to communicate these results to other laboratories of life throughout the universe.” (
The same way that kundalini energy weaves its way up the spine from the root of the spinal chord in a human being, in a DNA-like fashion, energy also rotates throughout the planet.
Here are the most commonly accepted geographic locations of the planet’s chakra system and what they represent spiritually. (It is thought that the chakras can shift locations based on planetary cycles):
1st Chakra – Corresponds to the Root or Mooladhara Chakra
Mt. Shasta in California is considered the root chakra of the planet. (Some also say this is the 5th chakra of the planet.)
This energy center is considered primal and ‘base.’ Here is where the universal life force is considered to gather before it becomes life – and is representative of the geysers which rush to the surface with energy the same way that kundalini energy is thought to rush to the crown or pineal gland was awakened from the root chakra.
2nd Chakra – Corresponds to the Sexual Chakra or Swadhistana
Lake Titicaca Peru/Bolivia is considered the 2nd chakra of the planet.
The Plumed Serpent – found in many South American myths is representative of the kundalini energy rising to the sexual chakra of the planet. Also called the rainbow serpent, this center has some of the most ley crossroads or ley lines on the planet, second only to Bali. It is where our primal energy starts to ‘birth’ itself, quite literally into form. Some say that it is through this chakra that the earth overcomes entropy.
3rd Chakra – Corresponds to Manipura or the Solar Plexus Chakra
Uluru, otherwise known as Ayers rock in Australia along with Kata Tjuta are the home of the earth’s 3rd chakra.
This huge, monolithic rock is in the Northern Territory of Australia. This is where dreamtime legends arise from the Aboriginal people’s. Anangu life revolves around the Tjukurpa (sometimes wrongly referred to as the Dreamtime). To the Aboriginal people, this is the ancestral period of when the world was being formed. Kata Tjuta is considered Uluru’s sister rock formation. In us, the solar plexus is where we digest emotion – on the planet, it is where we will one day realize a legend told by the Aborigines from the ‘umbilical chord’ of the planet.
4th Chakra – the Heart Chakra, called Anahata in Indian traditions
Glastonbury, Somerset and Shaftesbury, Dorset comprise the center of the world’s heart chakra.
This is the home of the holy grail. It is perhaps, also our greatest contribution to the ourselves, and our fellow sentient beings on this planet – to open our hearts to heal the earth and allow her to embody her rightful place as a peaceful, loving satellite in space. Interestingly, this is an area known for high levels of crop-circle sightings that exhibit magnetic abnormalities.
5th Chakra – the Throat or Vissuddha Chakra
The throat or voice of the planet is the located near the Great Pyramids near Mt. Sanai and Mt. Olives in the Middle East.
This is the one chakra that does not exist at a ley line. It is the exact center of the earth’s land mass as it currently is configured. Modern day turmoil in the Middle East is considered to be ‘the cries of the mother’ or the voice of the planet calling for help.
6th Chakra – The Pineal Glnd or Third Eye Chakra
This chakra can shift – it is called the Aeon activation Center. Now it is considered to be in Western Europe but will likely move over the next several thousand years.
This chakra is the one that opens portals and allows extra-dimensional energy to enter this world. Just like our pineal gland allows us to recognize other dimensions and realities, so does the 6th chakra of the earth.
7th Chakra – the Crown Chakra or Sahasrara, the Thousand Petaled Lotus, the Highest Energy Center
Mt. Kailas in the Himalayas in Tibet is considered the ‘roof of the world’ and also our earth’s crown chakra.
The highly develop consciousness of Tibetan people, as evidenced through the Dalai Lama’s teachings is indicative of the energy that resides at the crown chakra of the planet. Just as our own crown connects our will with Divine will, so does Mt. Kailas connect the planet with her spiritual destiny.
The 7 Chakras (Energy Vortices) of Mother Earth
Reviewed by Rid
8:00:00 AM

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