Last night, in a small town called Ansty, near Salisbury, Wiltshire, England – An incredible new Crop Circle appeared that is like none we’ve ever seen before.
This one depicts a very Stargate-like glyphs circling the outer ring, surrounded by a tri-fold of flower leaves emerging from the center with a subtle Sixfold symmetrical hexagonal structure behind it, and a near flower of life like geometrical pattern beyond it.
Three’s are an important numerology in this one, three being the number of the trinity, a number which Pythagoras, considered the first “scientist” regarded as the first male number (where 2 is the first female number, and 1 being the origin of all numbers, and container of all numbers within it).
He also described it as the first complete number in linear time, being that it had a beginning, middle, and end.
What does this crop circle mean? I find it remarkably similar to the patterns around the stargate. Maybe it’s time we opened some cosmic portals, what do you think?
There are also 20 glyphs around the edge, of which do appear to mirror themselves on the opposite sides, meaning only 10 glyphs total.
To Pythagoras and in the Numerological setting, 10 represented the Cosmos as a whole. The beginning and end, alpha and omega, 0 and 1, from which all things emerged from and returned to.
Also, because 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 made 1, 2, 3, and 4 rather special and important numbers in the creation of all things.
A quote by one of our dear authors Lara Starr:
It amazes me how some people can think all crop circles are made by normal people with ropes and wood. Forget about the fact that these are made by bending the stalks at a perfect 51 degree angle without breaking them.
Forget about the strange electromagnetic energy they give off that screws with electronics including cameras, cellphones and even pacemakers. Forget about the fact that they are made silently, in the dead of night, with no lights and without a single footprint being left behind.
Forget about the fact that these are insanely intricate patterns often depicting clear messages relating to advanced science, mathematics and even important historical significance. Let’s just brush off the last 500 years of recorded crop circles as a bunch of bored drunken college students with nothing better to do. It’s much easier to explain that way.
-Lara Starr, FB
Lara also theorizes that the symbolism of the Glyphs are eerily reminiscent of the ancient undeciphered greek hieroglyphs currently called “Linear A”. What do you think?
All images of the Crop Circle were taken by MrGyro, and are copyright protected by him.
If you are in the Wiltshire area and want to see the Circle for yourself, the farm is allowing guests to come and visit!
Reviewed by Rid
1:55:00 PM

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